Index of /cursos/theme/bootstrapbase/less/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
Directorybootstrap2024-11-30 16:03-
Directoryfontawesome2024-11-30 16:03-
Directorymoodle2024-11-30 16:03-
Fileeditor.less2024-11-30 16:03 2k
Filemoodle.less2024-11-30 16:03 3k
Compiling LESS -------------- If you want to make changes to the .css generated from these .less files then you need to use a less compiler to build your changes. The supported way to achieve this is using grunt. See for details of how to install grunt. Once grunt is installed run the 'css' task: $ grunt css And the css files will be compiled. For further info see:
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